Process Materials Group
We supply customized separation systems manufactured in the most effective or client preferred locations. Systems are customized to meet the clients needs and make best use of our principals specialist knowledge.

Independent Technology Sdn Bhd
Independent Technology Sdn Bhd are Process and Engineering Design Specialists based in Malaysia combining local Engineers with Technical expertise from the UK, USA and New Zealand. Company name originated in New Zealand some 33 years ago and our Technical Director, Ben Ridler came to Malaysia in 1993 to kick off a JV project. Kuala Lumpur has since been his residence.

Process Materials Australia
Process Materials Australia has developed a wide range of process solutions, heater solutions and filtration technologies, which include membranes, coalescing media, particulate filtration media and other separation technologies.

PT Proses Material Indonesia
PT Proses Material Indonesia are the exclusive agents for Porous Media in Indonesia, working closely with clients and assisting in any ongoing operating problems and providing technical support.